Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
From East to West, from North to South Club Ute branching out over the entire valley! Adventure and fun knows no boundaries! Home base this week will be �down south� at the University of Utah, Sandy extension site where we will find a bounty of exciting hands-on explorations. Check out one of only two man-made landmarks visible from space. (The other is the Great Wall of China.) �Massive trucks, plenty of dust and a whopping-huge hole in the ground� are what awaits you at the Kennecott Copper Mine. Gaze down into the largest man-made excavation on Earth and then let your imagination take hold and create your own artistic craters. Commune with plants, animals and dinosaurs at Thanksgiving Point. Learn about history both recent and ancient. Soak up �Southern� culture from guest artists. Electives this week may include nature hikes in Little Cottonwood Canyon, soccer, sculpture or water games. Please remember to wear closed-toed shoes, bring sun block, and water bottles daily.