Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
1762 ESS 2500 001 Explore Movement Sci 40 0 31 9
8357 ESS 2500 002 Explore Movement Sci 40 0 43 -3
9421 ESS 2500 003 Explore Movement Sci 40 0 30 10
7842 ESS 2510 001 Intr Tchg Physical Educ 25 0 20 5
2825 ESS 2600 001 Sport-Amer Society 225 0 215 10
4820 ESS 2700 001 Prev & Care Athl Injur 40 0 26 14
8973 ESS 2710 001 Intr Ath Tr Rm Proced 20 0 9 11
1766 ESS 3091 001 Physiology Of Fitness 50 0 37 13
10664 ESS 3091 002 Physiology Of Fitness 50 0 52 -2
14311 ESS 3092 001 Kinesiology 70 0 66 4
14310 ESS 3093 001 Biomechanics 50 0 43 7
8822 ESS 3200 001 Introduction to Coaching 50 0 47 3
10179 ESS 3210 001 Coaching Football 25 0 21 4
13200 ESS 3270 001 Coaching Basketball 30 0 35 -5
1769 ESS 3340 001 Sport Psychology 70 0 65 5
10181 ESS 3340 002 Sport Psychology 60 0 56 4
8971 ESS 3450 001 Cl Exper in Ath Tr I 15 0 7 8
8291 ESS 3500 001 Physical Educ Elem Schl 40 0 37 3
8292 ESS 3500 002 Physical Educ Elem Schl 40 0 36 4
1776 ESS 3550 001 Motor Behavior 62 0 60 2
10931 ESS 3551 001 App Hum Mo Dev Acr Lspn 35 0 20 15
10932 ESS 3551 002 App Hum Mo Dev Acr Lspn 35 0 21 14
13396 ESS 3551 003 App Hum Mo Dev Acr Lspn 34 0 29 5
13397 ESS 3551 004 App Hum Mo Dev Acr Lspn 34 0 30 4
4824 ESS 3600 001 Special Physical Educ 30 0 11 19
1777 ESS 3670 001 Exerc Hlth/Cultr Persp 40 0 44 -4
10180 ESS 3670 002 Exerc Hlth/Cultr Persp 40 0 24 16
1778 ESS 3930 001 Research Participation 20 0 0 20
4827 ESS 4310 001 Adv Ex Phys II 30 0 3 27
4831 ESS 4310 002 Adv Ex Phys II 15 0 1 14
13928 ESS 4310 003 Adv Ex Phys II 8 0 2 6
13961 ESS 4430 001 Curr Dev Spec Phys Ed 10 0 0 10
8972 ESS 4450 001 Cl Exper in Ath Tr II 15 0 9 6
8352 ESS 4465 001 Exerc Programming 35 0 32 3
8353 ESS 4465 002 Exerc Programming 10 0 13 -3
11142 ESS 4465 003 Exerc Programming 16 0 19 -3
7839 ESS 4600 001 Ther Ex in Ath Trg 20 0 7 13
1792 ESS 4670 001 Active Lifestyles 70 0 39 31
8968 ESS 4690 001 Training Planning 70 0 37 33
4822 ESS 4700 001 Teach Middle School PE 14 0 8 6
1803 ESS 4800 001 Practicum Fitnss Ldrshp 20 0 7 13
1806 ESS 4810 001 Supervised Internship 10 0 0 10
1808 ESS 4820 001 Coaching Fld Experience 10 0 0 10
8969 ESS 4900 001 Promoting PA in Comm 90 0 83 7
8970 ESS 4900 002 Promoting PA in Comm 30 0 27 3
8299 ESS 4900 003 Promoting PA in Comm 30 0 30 0
9149 ESS 4900 004 Promoting PA in Comm 30 0 27 3
6730 ESS 4910 001 Intern Sp PE 10 0 0 10
14626 ESS 4920 013 Independent Study 3 0 1 2
14627 ESS 4920 014 Independent Study 3 0 3 0
7840 ESS 4921 001 Peer Tutoring 15 0 4 11
1811 ESS 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 20 0 0 20
4834 ESS 5491 001 Seminar/Action Research 10 0 10 0
4835 ESS 5495 001 Student Teaching In Pe 10 0 8 2
8327 ESS 5497 001 Internship-Teach P.E. 6 0 2 4
1812 ESS 5800 001 Special Projects 20 0 0 20
8360 ESS 5850 001 Grant Writing 60 0 66 -6
7841 ESS 5910 001 Teaching Internship 12 0 0 12
11118 ESS 5910 002 Teaching Internship 10 0 4 6
13960 ESS 6160 001 Curr & Supervision P.E. 10 0 4 6
4832 ESS 6310 001 Adv Ex Phys II 10 0 19 -9
4833 ESS 6310 002 Adv Ex Phys II 5 0 11 -6
13929 ESS 6310 003 Adv Ex Phys II 8 0 8 0
14553 ESS 6350 001 Ex Ekg & Stress Test 20 0 5 15
13962 ESS 6430 001 Assessment in P.E. 10 0 5 5
4836 ESS 6560 001 Exper Design & Analys 14 0 5 9
13198 ESS 6740 001 Group Dynamics Sports 20 0 17 3
13196 ESS 6750 001 Motivation Theory 20 0 15 5
13199 ESS 6760 001 Sociology of Sport 25 0 16 9
9238 ESS 6812 001 Multidisciplinary Forum II 4 0 0 4
1815 ESS 6850 001 Graduate Seminar 20 0 5 15
11224 ESS 6851 001 Transdisc Collab Sem 20 0 5 15
1817 ESS 6910 001 Masters Internship 20 0 1 19
14753 ESS 6910 012 Masters Internship 5 0 2 3
1816 ESS 6951 001 Indp Stdy Resrch MS 20 0 1 19
14643 ESS 6951 015 Indp Stdy Resrch MS 5 0 2 3
14968 ESS 6951 016 Indp Stdy Resrch MS 4 0 1 3
8348 ESS 6952 001 College Teaching I 15 0 2 13
1818 ESS 6970 001 Thesis Research: MS 20 0 1 19
1819 ESS 6980 001 Faculty Consult MS 10 0 4 6
11735 ESS 7830 001 Journal Readings 10 0 1 9
14854 ESS 7830 002 Journal Readings 4 0 3 1
13963 ESS 7840 001 PA Interventions 20 0 3 17
1822 ESS 7920 001 Indep Stdy-Research PhD 10 0 0 10
15122 ESS 7920 014 Indep Stdy-Research PhD 4 0 1 3
1820 ESS 7930 001 Doctoral Internship 20 0 0 20
8349 ESS 7953 001 College Teaching II 10 0 3 7
14744 ESS 7954 001 Prac. Eff. Tch. Doc. 15 0 1 14
4549 ESS 7970 001 Thesis Research-Ph D 10 0 3 7
4548 ESS 7980 001 Faculty Consult: PhD 10 0 2 8
1823 ESS 7990 001 Cont Reg-Ph D 10 0 2 8