Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Fund raising is a challenging and nerve-wracking experience for many people. However, the enormous rewards that can come from following a tried and true process make the experience, some say, fun. In this six-week course, you will learn how to build the support system that lets you ask for and receive funds, how to research and prepare a proposal, and how to build a strong core of board or volunteer support. You will also write and edit a basic proposal for your organization. There will be ample opportunity for individual attention. This class is appropriate for beginning fundraisers and for those with fewer than five years fund-raising experience. The instructor has extensive postgraduate training in fund raising and earned a master of major gifts fund raising through the Institute of Charitable Giving. She has 14 years local and national fund raising experience with museum, social service, education, and arts nonprofits.