Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Recycle your junk mail, onion skins, leaves, fabrics and a bounty of other natural materials into one of a kind impressive-looking fabulously-scented, useable art. Discover the ancient art of papermaking, learn how paper is manufactured, and explore how to make paper yourself out of every day stuff. Take advantage of the opportunity to add essential oils to the mix to make your art not only tantalizing but fragrant, too (can you say 'love letter'?). This rad art is also friendly to the environment. Check it out! Recycle junk paper and other ingredients that might otherwise make their way to the trash can, into something beauteous, useful and artistic (can you say good karma?). Create pulpy works of art then transform them into useful items like scented journals, scrapbooks, gift cards and place cards, note cards, birthday greetings, mats for framing pictures and artwork. Instructor will furnish all supplies, but student artists will receive a list of materials they can bring to class to add as extra embellishments for their hand-crafted paper making projects.