Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
The world swirls around you without stopping or even slowing down. So what do you really know about the people, places and things that surround you every day? This Club U camp gives you the opportunity to investigate your turf, your pad, your space, your place, and all the things that get up in your face. Discover fascinating information about your community. Look into exciting career options. Visit some amazing places and study some interesting faces. Visit Ivie Farms and learn how to make wool, yarn, and pet the cuddly miniature animals. Watch a fun play performed by local actors from Youth Theatre. There's an adventure waiting for you, all you need to do is step outside your front door. Electives for 6-9 year olds may include visiting a firehouse, police station, a crime lab, the city capitol or the University's medical school. Electives for 10-12 year olds may include creating your own artistic superheroes in a comic book art class, discovering hidden places on campus with a professional artist while learning about book and printmaking, rock climbing or a field trip to the medical school.