Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Investigate water in all its forms (except snow, because it's summer, silly!). Our goal for this weekly theme will be to cool down and be cool! Rediscover all of the magnificent water in Salt Lake City. Learn about the water cycle and other water systems while splashing down at Liberty Park. Find out how much work it takes to build a lake by making a human dam at the library fountain. Chill in the sun, dive off the boards, and splash in the pool at one of Salt Lake's finest swimming centers! Pretend you are a pirate by going on a scavenger hunt or making a map. Finally, end the week with a fantastic field trip to Ogden's Pine View Reservoir! This week is the oasis you've been searching for in our beautiful desert valley. Electives for the 6-9 year olds may include making an ocean in a bottle, taking a field trip to the Bend in the River, diving instruction, mapmaking or ice skating. Electives for the 10-12 year olds may include fishing, fencing, amazing comic book art (think pirates, treasure, and secret islands!) or golf.