Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Are you an active traveler? Italy is more than its cathedrals and museums--see what the country has to offer in the Great Outdoors as well! Imagine horseback riding along wooded streams in Umbria, visiting wineries as you cycle through the poppy-filled fields of Tuscany, hot air ballooning over the rolling hills of Siena, extreme hiking along the spectacular Via Ferrata in the Dolomites, skiing in the Italian alps (not to mention the apres ski), basking in the sun as your raft along a gentle river, and more! Sound good? Join us for active ideas, insights on the above trips (or others), and travel planning. This class is suitable both for those who want to go on their own or for those who prefer tours. Information will be customized to the class's interests and travel plans.