Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Did you know that winemakers in Grand Junction, Colorado, are turning out classic varietals that rival their counterparts in the New World? Come taste the full-bodied reds, crisp whites, and all styles in between in our three-day wine tour to Grand Junction. We'll visit a minimum of four wineries; tour Grand Junction's meaderie (a winery that produces a special honey wine); and luxuriate in good food, wine, and conversation during two wine-and-food-pairing dinners. Special fee includes van transportation from Salt Lake City, two nights double-occupancy fine lodging, all tours and tastings, and the two wine-and-food-pairing dinners. Trip departs at 7:00 AM Friday morning and returns Sunday evening. Please bring a photo ID that indicates your age. Sheral has an MA in education and has been a wine educator in California and Utah since 1991. Annual tasting trips to Europe and the Pacific Northwest keep Sheral abreast of the latest insights into the world of wine. Sheral is the owner of Wasatch Academy of Wine.