Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
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University Connected Learning
We learn to walk and run when we are toddlers, and it usually becomes just the way we are. We rarely wonder how well we move, or if we can improve our gait. But ask yourself these questions: Is your walking easy? Graceful? Does it feel like an expression of your aliveness? Could your running be more efficient? Enjoyable? In this class we will learn how we can improve our walking or running at any age or in any shape, update old habits into new choices, and continue to refine the way we move for as long as we live. Open to people of all fitness and ability levels. Please bring a mat or blanket(s) for padding, as we will be moving on a carpeted floor. Erin is a yoga instructor, yoga therapist, and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner . Carl is a massage therapist, structural integrator, and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner .