Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Ready for the love of your life? This six-week course will help you assess your level of relationship readiness; remove blocks that could sabotage your relationships; define your life vision, values, and non-negotiable relationship requirements that will ensure life partner compatibility; understand the 14 dating traps and how they can prevent you from finding your dream relationship; select a partner who is genuinely aligned with who you are and what you want in life; dramatically increase your self-esteem, attractiveness, and confidence when meeting potential mates; become the chooser in dating situations, forever eliminating fear of rejection; say yes to what you truly want and no to what you don't want; and avoid making poor relationship choices. Learn skills and tools needed to attract your life partner and create a fulfilling, committed relationship. Sandra is a Life Coach specializing in helping singles and couples create conscious relationships. She is a Licensed Unity Teacher and is currently the Interim Spiritual Leader at Unity of Salt Lake.