Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
What happens when your characters take to the page? Do they sail through a great scene, only to find their ship is going nowhere? Or do they travel so swiftly from port to port that readers barely have time to get to know them? If plotting a meaningful course for your stories is a challenge, this four-session class is for you. We'll discuss traditional and not-so-traditional ways to shape a story, including Freytag's Pyramid and modular forms; explore the power of meaningful subplots; see how drama can occur through language; and discuss how to stay true to one's literary vision while keeping your readers turning the page. Along the way, we'll practice techniques for overcoming common plot issues and share our writing in a supportive environment. Please bring a work in progress to the first class. Writer, editor, and veteran instructor Jenn Gibbs, MFA, has guided hundreds of writers through their projects.