Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Learn the magic of manipulating your own slide images using Polaroid transfer and emulsion-lift techniques. We'll experiment with combining techniques to create finished paper pieces that are wonderful additions to book projects; the emulsion-lift process can also be used to transfer images to wood, ceramic, glass, or metal surfaces. Students will need several 35 mm slides (color or black and white) for the class; fairly high contrast, saturated colors work best. Please also bring any art papers with which you wish to experiment (some will be supplied) and objects you may want to use as receptors for transfer (e.g. smooth rocks, shells, tiles, wooden boxes). During the last class, we will hand color our pieces with crayons, pastels, or dyes to intensify or alter the colors obtained from the transfers, then critique our pieces. Special fee includes Polaroid film, transfer paper, and all materials required to make transfers. Zuzanna received a BFA in photography from Pratt Institute in New York City. Currently a member of the U's MFA program, she is the recipient of a Graduate Research Fellowship and teaches design and photography. Zuzanna shows her work both nationally and internationally.