Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Designed to provide the essential skills needed to be proficient at the Unix or Linux command line, this challenging course focuses on the fundamental concepts and tools which make Unix so powerful. Both beginners desiring a solid foundation in Unix and experienced users seeking to fill in knowledge gaps will benefit from this hands-on course, designed to prepare students to take the LPI 1 101 and Red Hat Certified Technician certification exams. Subjects covered include the Unix filesystem and how to manipulate it; the basic Unix notions of pipes, redirection, regular expressions, and other tools for performing complex tasks; the management of processes and jobs; vi, the standard Unix editor; and the ability to construct shell scripts to automate routine or difficult operations. Admitted U of U students may take this course for credit. Register for CS 2963-001 through the Campus Information System. This course covers the first half of CS 2963-001. For more information, call (801) 581-6061. Tuition includes course materials.