Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Some amazing surrealistic images are floating around the net these days, images with full shadow detail and as well as incredible saturation in the high and mid levels. How did they get that way? These photographs are the result of an emerging artistic format called High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI). This process combines several images captured with various exposures to gain a fuller range of lights and shadows, and the result is breathtaking. This course will cover the technical aspects of HDRI, shooting images using your camera, and post production software techniques. Saturday class is a field trip; the last class is hands-on in a computer lab. Prerequisite: Nuts and Bolts (LLART 193), Digital Photography I (LLART 115), or take our quiz: go to or call 801-587-5433. You must have a DSLR camera for this class.