Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: Coursemaster permission, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physiology.
This course is a joint effort among faculty within the College of Pharmacy, and is designed to provide basic didactic information in the underlying concepts of pharmaceutical sciences for the beginning graduate student. The primary emphasis of the course is to provide new graduate students in the College of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry, or Pharmacology and Toxicology) or other graduate students in the biomedical sciences (Neuroscience, Biological Chemistry, or Molecular Biology programs) with fundamental knowledge about the effects of xenobiotics on living systems. Particular emphasis will be placed on the use of pharmaceutical agents to treat disease in human populations, with an understanding of the possible adverse effects of these medicinal compounds, along with adverse effects of exposures to chemicals that are encountered in the environment. It is anticipated that students who complete this course would be able to apply these fundamental concepts to more advanced curricula and research endeavors in the disciplines listed above.