Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Join a powerful group of your peers in this exciting new executive director series hosted by the Nonprofit Academy for Excellence. This three full-day program spreads over three months to allow for in-depth problem solving and real-time application of solutions and skills learned. Each session builds upon the previous one and establishes important understanding among such issues as human resources, risk management, relationship development, and management and leadership. We'll discuss critical executive level challenges using case studies and hands-on experiential learning, so you walk away with an arsenal of techniques to thrive in your role as a community leader. Get energized by the level and variety of expertise you will be exposed to during this program! This engaging forum is something you can't get anywhere else and an opportunity you will not want to miss. Come and join us as we create a peer support group that will provide you broad perspectives and eliminate the isolation so common to Executive Directors.