Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
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University Connected Learning
Opera can be even more enjoyable with some advance insight about the performance. Take a sneak preview into The Utah Opera's presentation of Carlisle Floyd's adaptation of the John Steinbeck novel Of Mice and Men. Like the novel, the story centers around George and his childlike companion Lennie as they struggle to find a path to their simple dream, a house and farm they can call their own. It is not to be, however, as Lennie's simple kindness and fear of upsetting those around him unwittingly lead to tragedy and the end of their plans. Theirs is the quintessential hard-luck odyssey, always one step ahead of disaster and so very far from salvation. Want a more indepth look at the art form? Take Opera: Past, Present, and Future. Class members of both classes are invited to attend the student dress rehearsal of "Of Mice and Men" on Thursday, May 3, 2012, at a cost of $5 per person (payable to the instructor). Each student may bring one guest at the same price.