Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in (ECON 2010 OR BUS 2010) AND (MGT 2390 OR MGT 2340 OR OIS 2340) AND (ACCTG 2010 OR ACCTG 2610 OR ACCTG 2011) AND Full major status in the School of Business. Coreqs: (MGT 3440 OR OIS 3440) AND (ACCTG 2620 OR ACCTG 2020)
Requirement Designation:
Quantitative Intensive BS
Course Attribute:
Honors Course
A version of FINAN 3040 intended for sophomores and other students who have the required prerequisites. Topics include financial analysis, working capital management, financial mathematics, capital budgeting, risk/return, cost of capital, and capital structure.