Course Detail
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Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Discover the magic of sourdough and your baking will never be the same! Naturally leavened bread is not only a remarkable medley of flavor and texture, but is more nutritious and digestible than bread baked with commercial yeast. We will start at the beginning by making a wild yeast starter from two simple ingredients: flour and water, then explore the transformation into a mother starter packed with flavor, leavening powder, and beneficial enzymes. The care and feeding of starters will be demystified; then, using our starter, we will craft a whole grain batard with spelt, an ancient grain renowned for its health benefits. This combination of natural leaven and spelt creates wonderfully delicious bread with a smooth nutty flavor. We'll cover all the steps: grinding the grains, shaping and slashing, and steam baking for a moist and chewy crumb and crisp crust. Learn about the fascinating world of natural leavens and long fermentation, and bake your own wild yeast creations!