Departmental Advisors
Undergraduate, Grad
P. Davis
MBH 303 C
Teacher Certification
R. O'Neill
MBH 303 A
Departmental Notes

For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.

SP ED 6633 - 001 Early Steps Practicum

This is a year long course. Final grade will be posted after Spring semester. Final paper due 2 weeks before last class of spring semester. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969.

SP ED 6633 - 001 Early Steps Practicum

  • Class Number: 7556
  • Instructor: BROWN, KATHLEEN
  • Component: Practicum
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $100.00
  • Seats Available: 5

This is a year long course. Final grade will be posted after Spring semester. Final paper due 2 weeks before last class of spring semester. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969.

SP ED 6634 - 001 Next Steps Practicum

This is a year long course. Final grade will be posted after Spring semester. Final paper due 2 weeks before last class of spring semester. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969.

SP ED 6634 - 001 Next Steps Practicum

  • Class Number:
  • Instructor: BROWN, KATHLEEN
  • Component: Practicum
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $100.00
  • Seats Available: 5

This is a year long course. Final grade will be posted after Spring semester. Final paper due 2 weeks before last class of spring semester. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969.