Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: GEOG 3140. Suggested Pre-requisite: GEOG 5140.
Meets with GEOG 5170. Graduate students should enroll in GEOG 5170 and will be held to higher standards and/or more work. Geolocation technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS) allow field-based georeferencing of data at unprecedented levels of accuracy and ease. Mobile GIS involves the extension of geographic information systems (GIS) from the office to the field. A mobile GIS allows field-based capture, storage, updating, analysis and display of geographic information. Mobile GIS is also central to location-based services (LBS), or the access of information based on geographic location in real-time. This course covers the foundations of Mobile GIS, including fundamental GPS theory and integrating GPS data into a GIS.