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For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.

LANG 290 - 001 Beginning Nahuatl II

LANG 290 - 001 Beginning Nahuatl II

  • Class Number: 17153
  • Instructor: Sullivan, John J
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $415.00
  • Seats Available: 1

LANG 290 - 002 Beginning Cambodian II

LANG 290 - 002 Beginning Cambodian II

  • Class Number: 17157
  • Instructor: Avery, Clayton D
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $415.00
  • Seats Available: 1

LANG 290 - 003 Portuguese for Spanish Spkrs

LANG 290 - 003 Portuguese for Spanish Spkrs

  • Class Number: 17959
  • Instructor: CARVALHO, RUBYNARA
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $415.00
  • Seats Available: 0

LANG 490 - 003 Brazilian Cinema

LANG 490 - 003 Brazilian Cinema

  • Class Number: 17961
  • Instructor: LEWIS, CHRISTOPHER T
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $359.00
  • Seats Available: 2

LANG 2010 - 001 Intro Stdy Lit & Cultr

LANG 2010 - 001 Intro Stdy Lit & Cultr

  • Class Number: 13975
  • Instructor: ATWOOD-MENDEZ, GARY L
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 33

LANG 2010 - 002 Intro Stdy Lit & Cultr

LANG 2010 - 002 Intro Stdy Lit & Cultr

  • Class Number: 13974
  • Instructor: ATWOOD-MENDEZ, GARY L
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 3

LANG 2020 - 001 Language in Society

LANG 2020 - 001 Language in Society

  • Class Number: 14400
  • Instructor: Anderson, Sheri
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 0

LANG 2900 - 001 Beginning Nahuatl II

LANG 2900 - 001 Beginning Nahuatl II

  • Class Number: 15997
  • Instructor: Sullivan, John J
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 19

LANG 2900 - 002 Beginning Cambodian II

LANG 2900 - 002 Beginning Cambodian II

  • Class Number: 16981
  • Instructor: Avery, Clayton D
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 17

LANG 2900 - 003 Portuguese for Spanish Spkrs

LANG 2900 - 003 Portuguese for Spanish Spkrs

  • Class Number: 17624
  • Instructor: CARVALHO, RUBYNARA
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 20

LANG 4900 - 001 Peer Advising

LANG 4900 - 001 Peer Advising

  • Class Number: 9725
  • Instructor: HUTTON, LISA
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0 - 4.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 2

LANG 4900 - 002 Peer Advising

LANG 4900 - 002 Peer Advising

  • Class Number: 12164
  • Instructor: VASQUEZ, ALISON M
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0 - 4.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 3

LANG 4900 - 003 Brazilian Cinema

LANG 4900 - 003 Brazilian Cinema

  • Class Number: 16956
  • Instructor: LEWIS, CHRISTOPHER T
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 24

LANG 4990 - 001 Lang and Lit Capstone

LANG 4990 - 001 Lang and Lit Capstone

  • Class Number: 11189
  • Instructor: DOBOZY, MARIA
  • Component: Special Projects
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 1

LANG 4990 - 002 Lang and Lit Capstone

LANG 4990 - 002 Lang and Lit Capstone

  • Class Number: 11190
  • Instructor: DOBOZY, MARIA
  • Component: Special Projects
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: -1

LANG 4990 - 003 Lang and Lit Capstone

LANG 4990 - 003 Lang and Lit Capstone

  • Class Number: 11485
  • Instructor: DOBOZY, MARIA
  • Component: Special Projects
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 1

LANG 5410 - 001 L2 Methodology

LANG 5410 - 001 L2 Methodology

  • Class Number: 9065
  • Instructor: MARKOVIC, JELENA C
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 8

LANG 7300 - 001 Graduate Language Study

LANG 7300 - 001 Graduate Language Study

  • Class Number: 17707
  • Instructor: HACKING, JANE
  • Component: Independent Study
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0 - 4.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 5