Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in (ECE 3710 OR CS 3710) AND (CS 3991 OR ECE 3991) AND (Full Major status in Computer Science OR Computer Engineering). Corequisites: "C-" or better in CS 5780
This is the first course in a 2 or 3 semester series. The purpose of this course is to form teams and propose either a self-selected senior project to be completed in CS/ECE 4710, or an ECE clinic which will be completed in the subsequent 2 semesters. The individual option is to find a thesis advisor, and write a thesis proposal. The thesis work will be in CS/ECE 4991 and 4992. During the first half of the course while teams are being formed and while project ideas are being selected the instructor will lecture on the, fundamentals of project planning: scoping, group selection, risk assessment, scheduling, backup planning, strategy, etc. The second half of the course involves student presentations and critique of the written proposals that are in progress. The final result of the course will be an approved project, clinic, or thesis proposal.