Course Detail
Course Components:
Thesis Research
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: OC TH 7300, 7350, 7270; permission of the Division.
This course is designed to integrate knowledge and skills acquired during doctoral coursework with a scholarly project designed by the student to meet his or her professional goals. Upon completion of 12 credits in the OTD program, each student will identify a relevant and contemporary issue that bears further study. After further study of the evidence and literature relevant to the topic, the student will write a paper that proposes systematic action to be taken with that topic that will lead to a meaningful outcome. The proposal can focus on the development of a new occupational therapy intervention program, the design of a research study, design of a college level course, program evaluation, or recommendations for institutional policy change. Based on the topic, a project committee chair within the Division of Occupational Therapy will be assigned to provide guidance with completion of the proposal. Students will prepare and then defend their proposal before a committee. Completion of Capstone I is required before registering for Capstone II.