Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: ART 4090.
Building on skills acquired in Artists' Books I, this course provides more advanced bookmaking skills in various traditional and modern forms and presents numerous books as exemplars as well as bibliographies for further investigation in response to the individual student's particular interests. In addition to completing several small projects early in the semester, the intermediate student, in dialogue with the instructors, designs a semester-length project cultivated around exemplars and models. Through class critique and discussion, appropriate formats for specified concepts are identified, which the students can then adapt, customize, and apply in the production of a self-authored artist's book. Critical theory, content development, book design, integration of various media, low-tech image making and printing processes, and the functionality of various bookmaking materials are covered. A student with previous letterpress experience is encouraged to produce a letterpress edition, and will be advised by instructors regarding printing concerns.