Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: Masters status in the School of Business.
Course Attribute:
Service Learning
Non-profits are complex businesses, built on a foundation of ethical action grounded in the public trust. Starting, growing, and leading non-profits creates challenges that are in some cases more complex than those facing the private sector. "Social entrepreneurs" are individuals leading non-for-profit organizations who develop innovative solutions to long standing issues, are strategic, and manage their internal operations effectively. Non-profits are confronted not only with fundamental business decisions, but also with ethical issues inherent in their role in our society: addressing the needs of multiple constituencies, balancing values against the requirements of effective management, and creating the greatest common good with limited resources. This course gives students a broad overview of the ethical and overall business leadership challenges of the non-profit sector, while providing non-profit organizations with the specific consulting skills they need as they strive to better meet the needs of the community.