Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: BIOL 3510 or equivalent.
This course covers transmission of the genetic analysis in humans and various model organisms. Some of the Molecular Biology Program students have not had adequate preparation in Genetics (such as a comprehensive undergraduate course in Genetics), and have struggled in the graduate course. To prevent such problems, all students will be given a simple exam the week before the semester begins. This entrance exam will cover basic concepts in Genetics. You should have no problem with this entrance exam if you review the CD-Rom/Booklet entitled Interactive Genetics. This review should include all of the problems on the pre-test. You can find the books on reserve at the campus libraries or you can check it out from the Program Office or buy it (ISBN 0-7380-1546-6) for $16.00 from Hayden-McNiel Publishing. To receive further details, please contact For further information please go to: