Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites:"C-"or better in (ME EN1000 AND(MATH1210 OR MATH1250 OR MATH1270 OR MATH1310 OR MATH1311)OR APCalcAB of 4 OR APCalcBC of 3)AND Intermediate Major status in Mech Eng. Corequisites:"C-"or better in PHYS2210 OR APPhysC:Mech of 4 or better.
Continuation of ME EN 1000 for robotic systems involving structural considerations and the electronic and programming aspects of mechatronic systems. Computer-aided engineering models of dynamic systems. Data acquisition and statistical analysis of experimental results. Numerical modeling of actuators and sensors. Design, fabrication and testing of a more advanced robotics-related project.