Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-"or better in (WRTG 2010 OR HONOR 2211 OR ESL 1060).
Requirement Designation:
Upper Division Communication/Writing
This course is an advanced communication course focused on public speaking and writing in a business context. Students will blend communication theory with intensive skill building as a way to improve their ability to manage their careers and communicate successfully in the business world. This course is comprised of three main sections: advanced public speaking, managerial writing, and career strategies. Students will master the following: (1) traditional correspondence: memo, letter, and proposal writing; (2) electronic correspondence: emails, blogging, text messaging, and instant messaging; (3) career strategies: resume and cover letter writing; and (4) networking skills including the value proposition and elevator speeches. The class is open to all majors and is well suited to any student who wants to sharpen their communication skills and professionalism in the workplace.