Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in (IS 4410 OR IS 4411) AND Full Major or Minor status in Information Systems.
Course Attribute:
Flexible Schedule
Meets with IS 6640. An introduction to the design, operation, and management of telecommunication systems including Server 2003, IIS, Linux, TCP/IP, management support for networking. This course provides instruction in data communications and computer network definitions, concepts and principles, including (but not limited to): the conversion of voice, data, video and image to digital form; topologies; protocols; standards; and fundamental concepts related to data communication networks, such as routers, gateways, cabling, etc. It prepares students to make intelligent and informed decisions about data network design/management, by analyzing the benefits, drawbacks, effects, tradeoffs, and the compromises related to various data communication technologies. You will learn how to make policy, design, and installation decisions related to planning and implementing data communication and computer network applications.