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For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.

SPAN 101 - 001 Beg Span I

SPAN 101 - 001 Beg Span I

  • Class Number: 4223
  • Instructor: ZABALA, VICTOR H
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $456.50
  • Seats Available: 2

SPAN 102 - 001 Beg Span II

SPAN 102 - 001 Beg Span II

  • Class Number: 5339
  • Instructor: GONZALEZ, KERI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $456.50
  • Seats Available: 3

SPAN 201 - 001 Intrm Span I

SPAN 201 - 001 Intrm Span I

  • Class Number: 3473
  • Instructor: AGUIRRE-MAIER, BETTY
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $456.50
  • Seats Available: 3

SPAN 201 - 060 Intrm Span I

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.

SPAN 201 - 060 Intrm Span I

  • Class Number: 3568
  • Instructor: MORRIS, TAMI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $456.50
  • Seats Available: 2

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.

SPAN 202 - 001 Intrm Span II

SPAN 202 - 001 Intrm Span II

  • Class Number: 3472
  • Instructor: Bloem, CAROLINA
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $456.50
  • Seats Available: 2

SPAN 202 - 060 Intrm Span II

To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969. This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.

SPAN 202 - 060 Intrm Span II

  • Class Number: 3615
  • Instructor: MORRIS, TAMI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $456.50
  • Seats Available: 1

To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969. This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.

SPAN 1010 - 001 Beg Span I

SPAN 1010 - 001 Beg Span I

  • Class Number: 3841
  • Instructor: ZABALA, VICTOR H
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $7.50
  • Seats Available: 10

SPAN 1020 - 001 Beg Span II

SPAN 1020 - 001 Beg Span II

  • Class Number: 5241
  • Instructor: GONZALEZ, KERI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $7.50
  • Seats Available: 11

SPAN 2010 - 001 Intrm Span I

SPAN 2010 - 001 Intrm Span I

  • Class Number: 2732
  • Instructor: AGUIRRE-MAIER, BETTY
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $7.50
  • Seats Available: 20

SPAN 2010 - 060 Intrm Span I

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.

SPAN 2010 - 060 Intrm Span I

  • Class Number: 3562
  • Instructor: MORRIS, TAMI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $7.50
  • Seats Available: 21

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.

SPAN 2020 - 001 Intrm Span II

SPAN 2020 - 001 Intrm Span II

  • Class Number: 2733
  • Instructor: Bloem, CAROLINA
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $7.50
  • Seats Available: 15

SPAN 2020 - 060 Intrm Span II

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969.

SPAN 2020 - 060 Intrm Span II

  • Class Number: 3606
  • Instructor: MORRIS, TAMI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 4.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $7.50
  • Seats Available: 9

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see or contact the Registrar's Office at (801)581-8969.

SPAN 4560 - 090 Cultr/Cust Span America

This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call 585-5959.

SPAN 4560 - 090 Cultr/Cust Span America

  • Class Number: 6125
  • Instructor: ORDONEZ, ANDREA
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $30.00
  • Seats Available: 44

This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call 585-5959.

SPAN 4900 - 090 Spanish in the U.S.

This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call (801) 585-5959. Intensive course.

SPAN 4900 - 090 Spanish in the U.S.

  • Class Number: 8183
  • Instructor: FLORES, TANYA L
  • Component: Special Topics
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $30.00
  • Seats Available: 5

This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call (801) 585-5959. Intensive course.

SPAN 7300 - 001 Graduate Language Study

SPAN 7300 - 001 Graduate Language Study

  • Class Number: 1996
  • Instructor: TOSCANO, MARGARET
  • Component: Independent Study
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0 - 4.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 9

SPAN 7970 - 001 Thesis Research-Ph D

SPAN 7970 - 001 Thesis Research-Ph D

  • Class Number: 6774
  • Instructor: TOSCANO, MARGARET
  • Component: Thesis Research
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.0 - 13.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 2