Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
We are building something awesome at Club U this week! Not only are friendships under construction at camp, so are a whole bunch of other awesome skills! Put on your hard hat, lab coat, or inventors cap and roll up your sleeves to get hands on with everything engineering! You'll be shocked with what you learn about electronic circuitry! Investigate simple machines and how the ancients used them to construct some of Earth's largest wonders. Take a quick trip down to Tracy Aviary to see some of Mother Nature's most impressive handiwork. Tinker with old electronics and see what you can create from spare parts and maybe if you learn the language of programming you can talk with machines to do your bidding! Capture the planet's power to energize your creations, conquer chemical concoctions, or plant a seed to sprout your STEMing curiosity in engineering! We're all geared up for a week of exciting engineering excellence and putting a cherry on top...Cherry Hill that is!