Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
11802 SW 150 090 Human Development 10 0 6 4
12755 SW 300 090 Soc. Welfare Institution 20 0 8 12
14197 SW 311 001 CM - Intro to SW Prac 30 0 37 -7
14198 SW 312 001 CM - Int Comm / Doc 30 0 37 -7
18247 SW 313 090 CM - Intro to Case Work 0 0 11 -11
8568 SW 578 090 SW Practice Methods 20 0 13 7
18201 SW 621 004 Variable Topics 5 0 1 4
18510 SW 621 005 Variable Topics 2 0 2 0
18215 SW 621 006 Variable Topics 5 0 0 5
18182 SW 640 004 DSM 5 5 0 1 4
14304 SW 692 001 Psychoactive Meds 5 0 0 5
4699 SW 708 001 Special Topics 15 0 12 3
17770 SW 708 002 Special Topics 15 0 14 1
12819 SW 709 001 A&D Field Training I 5 0 9 -4
9311 SW 711 001 A&D Intro to F&R 25 0 28 -3
12745 SW 716 001 A&D Prof Develop 25 0 9 16
12780 SW 717 001 A&D Intro Counseling 20 0 10 10
9121 SW 730 001 Variable Topics 2 0 0 2
14001 SW 804 001 A&D: Dynamics Of Add 15 0 11 4
9122 SW 843 001 Variable Topics 2 0 0 2
17235 SW 1000 090 Intro Online Learning 25 0 18 7
6260 SW 1010 001 Soc Wk as a Profession 25 0 22 3
17212 SW 1010 090 Soc Wk as a Profession 25 0 20 5
6261 SW 2300 001 Soc. Welfare Institution 25 0 17 8
5627 SW 2300 090 Soc. Welfare Institution 25 0 24 1
17750 SW 3000 001 Applied SW Statistics 25 0 20 5
17751 SW 3000 002 Applied SW Statistics 25 0 17 8
15025 SW 3000 090 Applied SW Statistics 25 0 16 9
17675 SW 3100 001 HBSE I 14 0 14 0
17676 SW 3100 090 HBSE I 25 0 10 15
5548 SW 3110 001 SW Practice I 18 0 18 0
17845 SW 3110 002 SW Practice I 18 0 20 -2
8586 SW 3110 090 SW Practice I 18 0 18 0
17538 SW 3200 001 HBSE II 21 0 21 0
17801 SW 3214 090 Intro to Child Welfare 5 0 1 4
8225 SW 3550 001 Soc Div & Cultrl Undrstng 30 0 30 0
13552 SW 3550 002 Soc Div & Cultrl Undrstng 25 0 27 -2
5312 SW 3715 001 A&D Dyn of Addic I 20 0 22 -2
12057 SW 3716 001 A&D Prof Develop 20 0 18 2
12822 SW 3717 001 A&D Intro Counseling 20 0 20 0
9909 SW 3720 001 Immigration & Resettle 5 0 2 3
10571 SW 4100 001 Global Com Bsd Resch 40 0 38 2
11307 SW 4100 045 Global Com Bsd Resch 13 0 7 6
16522 SW 4100 046 Global Com Bsd Resch 5 0 4 1
14838 SW 4220 001 Social Work Practice II 18 0 13 5
14839 SW 4220 002 Social Work Practice II 18 0 12 6
5894 SW 4301 001 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 30 0 24 6
15440 SW 4301 002 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 30 0 12 18
12293 SW 4301 045 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 13 0 7 6
16523 SW 4301 046 Soc Wlfr Policy/Service 5 0 4 1
14841 SW 4330 001 SW Practice III 18 0 20 -2
17539 SW 4330 002 SW Practice III 18 0 17 1
5896 SW 4401 001 Soc Wk Rsrch & Eval 30 0 21 9
14840 SW 4401 002 Soc Wk Rsrch & Eval 30 0 16 14
12490 SW 4401 045 Soc Wk Rsrch & Eval 13 0 7 6
17540 SW 4401 046 Soc Wk Rsrch & Eval 5 0 4 1
5895 SW 4440 001 SW Practice IV 18 0 18 0
12814 SW 4440 002 SW Practice IV 18 0 14 4
12294 SW 4440 045 SW Practice IV 13 0 7 6
16524 SW 4440 046 SW Practice IV 5 0 4 1
11455 SW 4444 001 Advanced SW Writing 18 0 15 3
17802 SW 4444 002 Advanced SW Writing 15 0 15 0
10564 SW 4444 090 Advanced SW Writing 11 0 10 1
5897 SW 4702 001 Social Work Practicum 10 0 7 3
5898 SW 4782 001 Soc Wk Practicum Sem 10 0 7 3
16254 SW 4949 001 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
7959 SW 4950 001 Undergraduate Research 1 0 0 1
14029 SW 4950 045 Undergraduate Research 1 0 0 1
5899 SW 4999 001 Honors Thesis Project 24 0 1 23
12820 SW 5709 001 A&D: Field Training I 10 0 18 -8
9123 SW 5830 002 Variable Topics 15 0 11 4
14965 SW 5830 003 Variable Topics 5 0 1 4
5531 SW 6000 001 Practice I: Lecture 130 0 105 25
12542 SW 6001 001 Practice II:Application 28 0 28 0
12543 SW 6001 002 Practice II:Application 28 0 28 0
12544 SW 6001 003 Practice II:Application 28 0 28 0
12545 SW 6001 004 Practice II:Application 28 0 14 14
17141 SW 6001 045 Practice II:Application 0 0 7 -7
17411 SW 6002 830 Practice I 28 0 29 -1
12508 SW 6020 001 Ethics & Prof SW 28 0 28 0
12509 SW 6020 002 Ethics & Prof SW 28 0 28 0
12510 SW 6020 003 Ethics & Prof SW 24 0 22 2
12511 SW 6020 004 Ethics & Prof SW 28 0 19 9
17250 SW 6020 045 Ethics & Prof SW 5 0 7 -2
17412 SW 6020 830 Ethics & Prof SW 28 0 29 -1
5532 SW 6030 001 HBSE 28 0 28 0
5535 SW 6030 002 HBSE 28 0 26 2
5534 SW 6030 003 HBSE 28 0 20 8
5533 SW 6030 004 HBSE 24 0 24 0
17219 SW 6030 045 HBSE 5 0 7 -2
17415 SW 6030 830 HBSE 28 0 29 -1
12498 SW 6040 001 DSM 28 0 28 0
12499 SW 6040 002 DSM 28 0 28 0
12500 SW 6040 003 DSM 23 0 22 1
12501 SW 6040 004 DSM 28 0 21 7
17253 SW 6040 045 DSM 5 0 7 -2
17413 SW 6040 830 DSM 28 0 29 -1
14844 SW 6140 001 Social Justice/Macro I 28 0 24 4
14845 SW 6140 002 Social Justice/Macro I 28 0 29 -1
14846 SW 6140 003 Social Justice/Macro I 28 0 21 7
14847 SW 6140 004 Social Justice/Macro I 28 0 28 0
14854 SW 6140 045 Social Justice/Macro I 28 0 7 21
17270 SW 6140 730 Social Justice/Macro I 25 0 19 6
13319 SW 6201 001 Health Adv Practice I 20 0 21 -1
13323 SW 6201 002 Health Adv Practice I 20 0 12 8
13326 SW 6220 001 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 29 -1
13327 SW 6220 002 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 28 0
13575 SW 6220 003 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 28 0
13576 SW 6220 004 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 25 3
13577 SW 6220 005 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 29 -1
14855 SW 6220 006 Reflexive Social Work 2 28 0 28 0
13312 SW 6301 001 CWTrauma Intervention I 30 0 29 1
17734 SW 6301 002 CWTrauma Intervention I 28 0 10 18
17410 SW 6301 730 CWTrauma Intervention I 21 0 19 2
13313 SW 6350 001 Global Adv Practice I 28 0 21 7
13315 SW 6351 001 Immig. & Resettlement 14 0 8 6
13317 SW 6401 001 Mh Adv Practice I 28 0 31 -3
13321 SW 6401 002 Mh Adv Practice I 28 0 31 -3
13322 SW 6401 003 Mh Adv Practice I 28 0 29 -1
17266 SW 6401 004 Mh Adv Practice I 28 0 20 8
4648 SW 6500 001 Opt SW Prac 30 0 0 30
9862 SW 6500 003 Opt SW Prac 25 0 1 24
9863 SW 6500 004 Opt SW Prac 25 0 1 24
9864 SW 6500 005 Opt SW Prac 25 0 1 24
9865 SW 6500 006 Opt SW Prac 25 0 1 24
9866 SW 6500 007 Opt SW Prac 25 0 0 25
5536 SW 6511 001 Field Practicum I 30 0 1 29
5537 SW 6511 002 Field Practicum I 30 0 13 17
5538 SW 6511 003 Field Practicum I 30 0 20 10
5539 SW 6511 004 Field Practicum I 30 0 19 11
5540 SW 6511 005 Field Practicum I 30 0 0 30
9702 SW 6511 006 Field Practicum I 30 0 20 10
9703 SW 6511 007 Field Practicum I 30 0 13 17
17325 SW 6511 730 Field Practicum I 5 0 18 -13
5541 SW 6512 001 Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
9704 SW 6512 003 Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
9705 SW 6512 004 Field Practicum II 10 0 1 9
9706 SW 6512 005 Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
9707 SW 6512 006 Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
9708 SW 6512 007 Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
17573 SW 6520 090 Issues in Women's Hlth 28 0 16 12
5542 SW 6521 001 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 0 45
5901 SW 6521 002 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 28 17
5902 SW 6521 003 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 34 11
5903 SW 6521 004 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 42 3
5904 SW 6521 005 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 18 27
9709 SW 6521 006 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 25 20
9710 SW 6521 007 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 18 27
10014 SW 6521 008 Adv Field Practicum I 45 0 3 42
15192 SW 6521 830 Adv Field Practicum I 40 0 0 40
5543 SW 6522 001 Adv Field Practicum II 30 0 0 30
9711 SW 6522 003 Adv Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
9712 SW 6522 004 Adv Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
9713 SW 6522 005 Adv Field Practicum II 10 0 0 10
9714 SW 6522 006 Adv Field Practicum II 10 0 1 9
9715 SW 6522 007 Adv Field Practicum II 10 0 1 9
10015 SW 6522 008 Adv Field Practicum II 3 0 0 3
15302 SW 6621 001 Variable Topics 28 0 23 5
11546 SW 6621 002 Variable Topics 28 0 28 0
17670 SW 6621 004 Variable Topics 28 0 28 0
13324 SW 6621 005 Variable Topics 28 0 14 14
17268 SW 6621 006 Variable Topics 28 0 13 15
15131 SW 6621 007 Variable Topics 28 0 30 -2
17269 SW 6621 008 Variable Topics 28 0 26 2
17267 SW 6621 090 Variable Topics 28 0 21 7
15146 SW 6621 091 Variable Topics 28 0 27 1
17592 SW 6621 092 Variable Topics 28 0 28 0
5900 SW 6701 001 Forensics Adv Prac I 30 0 31 -1
15277 SW 6703 001 SW & the Law 28 0 18 10
13726 SW 6740 001 SubAb Adv Practice I 28 0 25 3
13725 SW 6741 001 Psycho Active Meds 28 0 25 3
13310 SW 6750 001 Aging Adv Practice I 28 0 24 4
13311 SW 6752 001 Aging Policy & Service 28 0 12 16
14964 SW 6830 001 Variable Topics 28 0 9 19
5544 SW 7111 001 Quantitative Research 24 0 6 18
15267 SW 7120 001 Scholarly Writing 15 0 9 6
15368 SW 7130 001 Epistemological Pers. 15 0 8 7
5545 SW 7211 001 Statistics I: 24 0 7 17
17403 SW 7520 001 Intervention Models 15 0 2 13
15268 SW 7523 001 Using SW Mixed Methods 15 0 3 12
7500 SW 7822 001 Ph.D. Practicum 15 0 0 15
7501 SW 7822 002 Ph.D. Practicum 15 0 0 15
7502 SW 7822 003 Ph.D. Practicum 15 0 0 15
4770 SW 7900 001 Independent Study 24 0 0 24
6885 SW 7900 002 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
8810 SW 7900 003 Independent Study 5 0 1 4
10922 SW 7900 004 Independent Study 10 0 0 10
11805 SW 7900 005 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
14160 SW 7900 006 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
14256 SW 7900 007 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
15173 SW 7900 008 Independent Study 10 0 0 10
15524 SW 7900 009 Independent Study 10 0 0 10
18388 SW 7900 010 Independent Study 5 0 2 3
18610 SW 7900 011 Independent Study 5 0 0 5
4650 SW 7970 001 Dissertation Research 27 0 16 11
5737 SW 7970 821 Dissertation Research 13 0 6 7
4651 SW 7980 001 Research Consultation 24 0 0 24
6264 SW 7980 821 Research Consultation 13 0 0 13
4266 SW 7990 001 Cont Registration 24 0 3 21
6265 SW 7990 821 Cont Registration 13 0 0 13