Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Whoaaaa! No Way!! Excellent!!! Club U is heading out on an adventure for the ages and inspiration, imagination, and education will be your guides. Gather your friends and create a kingdom fit for King SCIBO at the annual Club U castle day activity. Learn the art of sword play, make a shield, or shoot a bow as you defend your keep. Travel back in time to see Utah as it was in the days of yore at "This is the Place" State Park. This week will also be chocked full of adventurous activities that will get you moving and grooving in the outdoors. Discover the unique flora and fauna Utah has to offer and track wild beasts in the foothills. Then head on an epic adventure to conquer the mighty Mount Timpanogos. This will be one wild trip, just remember to hold on at all times and be prepared for wherever we end up. Party on dudes!