Departmental Advisors
Director, Graduate Affairs
Gabriel Bowen
459 FASB
Director, Undergraduate
Erich Peterson
319 FASB
Geological Engr
Jeffrey Moore
449 FASB
Academic Advisor
Mark Campbell
383 FASB
Departmental Notes

For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.

GEO 104 - 001 World of Dinosaurs

GEO 104 - 001 World of Dinosaurs

  • Class Number: 11909
  • Instructor: LOEWEN, MARK
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $424.00
  • Seats Available: 2

GEO 375 - 001 Intro Geol Engg

GEO 375 - 001 Intro Geol Engg

  • Class Number: 14348
  • Instructor: MOORE, JEFFREY R
  • Component: Laboratory
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $358.00
  • Seats Available: 3

GEO 6350 - 030 Groundwater

GEO 6350 - 030 Groundwater

  • Class Number: 18938
  • Instructor: SOLOMON, Kip
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 2