Departmental Advisors
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Hailey Nielson
HPR N 221
Director of Graduate Studies
Glenn Richardson
Annex 2130B
Jennifer Lehmbeck
Annex 2130D
Departmental Notes

For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.

THIS DEPARTMENT ENFORCES UNDERGRADUATE PREREQUISITES. Please note that the registration system may not factor in transfer work when determining if prerequisites have been met. If you are unable to register for a course and think you have met the prerequisite(s), please contact an advisor from this department to inquire about obtaining a permission code. You may be administratively dropped from a course if the prerequisite has not been met.

H EDU 9 - 001 EMT Training

This class is web enhanced. Additional lab hours will be arranged. Health Care Provider CPR Certification required. Students who miss the first night of class without prior arrangement will be immediately dropped from this class.. Email for more information.

H EDU 9 - 001 EMT Training

  • Class Number: 10686
  • Instructor: HOLDER, CONNIE
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $1,010.00
  • Seats Available: 4

This class is web enhanced. Additional lab hours will be arranged. Health Care Provider CPR Certification required. Students who miss the first night of class without prior arrangement will be immediately dropped from this class.. Email for more information.

H EDU 9 - 002 EMT Training

H EDU 9 - 002 EMT Training

  • Class Number: 15940
  • Instructor: HOLDER, CONNIE
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $1,010.00
  • Seats Available: 2

H EDU 59 - 001 Advanced EMT

This class is web enhanced. Students who miss the first night without prior arrangement will be immediately dropped from this class. E-mail for more information.

H EDU 59 - 001 Advanced EMT

  • Class Number: 7671
  • Instructor: STRATFORD, CHRIS
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $915.00
  • Seats Available: 1

This class is web enhanced. Students who miss the first night without prior arrangement will be immediately dropped from this class. E-mail for more information.

H EDU 75 - 001 EMT Recertification

H EDU 75 - 001 EMT Recertification

  • Class Number: 15938
  • Instructor: HOLDER, CONNIE
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $795.00
  • Seats Available: 5

H EDU 75 - 002 EMT Recertification

H EDU 75 - 002 EMT Recertification

  • Class Number: 15939
  • Instructor: HOLDER, CONNIE
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $795.00
  • Seats Available: 5

H EDU 101 - 003 Healthy Lifestyles

H EDU 101 - 003 Healthy Lifestyles

  • Class Number: 7553
  • Instructor: SORY, TERRI
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $399.00
  • Seats Available: 4

H EDU 272 - 002 Emerg Medical Responder

H EDU 272 - 002 Emerg Medical Responder

  • Class Number: 16311
  • Instructor: ANGELO, GEORGE
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $514.00
  • Seats Available: 2

H EDU 303 - 001 Medical Terminology

Web enhanced class.

H EDU 303 - 001 Medical Terminology

  • Class Number: 2437
  • Instructor: CHATELAIN, LES
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $399.00
  • Seats Available: 6

Web enhanced class.

H EDU 340 - 001 Health Concerns/Women

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction. Students will meet in person on these dates: Aug 23, Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 29, and Dec 6. The remaining sessions will be held online. Please email Lindsy Jorgensen at if you have any additional questions.

H EDU 340 - 001 Health Concerns/Women

  • Class Number: 7555
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $407.00
  • Seats Available: 5

This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction. Students will meet in person on these dates: Aug 23, Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 29, and Dec 6. The remaining sessions will be held online. Please email Lindsy Jorgensen at if you have any additional questions.

H EDU 350 - 090 Intro to Driver Education

This is a live lecture TV class with multiple reception sites. Please contact the USOE Driver Education Specialist, Linda Mayne, at 801-538-7734 for more information and to request a distant education site.

H EDU 350 - 090 Intro to Driver Education

  • Class Number: 6261
  • Instructor: KAY, SHAUNA
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $799.00
  • Seats Available: 13

This is a live lecture TV class with multiple reception sites. Please contact the USOE Driver Education Specialist, Linda Mayne, at 801-538-7734 for more information and to request a distant education site.

H EDU 353 - 090 Medical Spanish

This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call 585-5959.

H EDU 353 - 090 Medical Spanish

  • Class Number: 10949
  • Instructor: ATKINSON, STEVEN K
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $399.00
  • Seats Available: 6

This is an online course, which does not meet in-class. For additional information, please visit or call 585-5959.

H EDU 452 - 001 High-Angle Rescue Tech

Rock Climbing experience and an understanding of climbing systems are recommended. Current Wilderness First Responder, EMT or higher medical certification is required. Students must supply some personal safety equipment, which they must own, buy or rent. Contact for more information. Friday field sessions will take place off campus. Attendance at the first class meeting is mandatory.

H EDU 452 - 001 High-Angle Rescue Tech

  • Class Number: 10695
  • Instructor: RICH, ANDY
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $1,175.00
  • Seats Available: 3

Rock Climbing experience and an understanding of climbing systems are recommended. Current Wilderness First Responder, EMT or higher medical certification is required. Students must supply some personal safety equipment, which they must own, buy or rent. Contact for more information. Friday field sessions will take place off campus. Attendance at the first class meeting is mandatory.

H EDU 453 - 001 Adv. High-Angle Rescue

H EDU 453 - 001 Adv. High-Angle Rescue

  • Class Number: 17153
  • Instructor: RICH, ANDY
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $1,175.00
  • Seats Available: 5

H EDU 475 - 001 Fnd of Search & Rescue

The class involves light hiking for map/compass work, and for basic survival, search, and rescue techniques/skills. Required field days are currently scheduled for Saturday, 9/20 and October, 10/4. Any modifications to these dates will be addressed in the first night of class.

H EDU 475 - 001 Fnd of Search & Rescue

  • Class Number: 8905
  • Instructor: HADLEY, DAN
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $469.00
  • Seats Available: 3

The class involves light hiking for map/compass work, and for basic survival, search, and rescue techniques/skills. Required field days are currently scheduled for Saturday, 9/20 and October, 10/4. Any modifications to these dates will be addressed in the first night of class.