Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: GEO 5760 or equivalent.
Course Attribute:
Flexible Schedule
Meets with GEO 6510. This entry level course in the Petroleum Industry Career Path (PICP), with an introduction to petroleum systems components including source, reservoir, seal, trap, and generation-migration-accumulation processes. Class discussions, presentations, and readings revolve around a required weekend field trip to investigate outcrop and subcrop expressions and field relationships of an active petroleum system (e.g., the Sevier foreland basin and overthrust belt). Industry experts and guest speakers are an integral part of the course. Projects will cover a diverse industry dataset (outcrop observations, seismic, well-log, core, bulk and organic geochemical, and outcrop data) to advise on exploration strategies in both established and frontier basins. Offered first half of fall semester.