Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
10755 PRT 546 001 Electronic Mktg for PRT 5 0 0 5
3477 PRT 1109 001 Service-Learning 20 0 0 20
8490 PRT 1110 001 Leisure in Your Life 40 0 40 0
4122 PRT 1500 001 NR-Spec Topics 20 0 0 20
16460 PRT 2100 001 Wilderness in America 35 0 30 5
17594 PRT 3101 090 Prof Preparation in PRT 40 0 9 31
16461 PRT 3201 090 Intro to Hosp & Tourism 35 0 25 10
17644 PRT 3202 090 Food/Beverage Service 35 0 15 20
12478 PRT 3204 090 Front Office Procedures 35 0 21 14
17645 PRT 3205 090 Hospitality Supervision 35 0 12 23
7590 PRT 3211 002 PRT Marketing 78 0 41 37
12479 PRT 3211 090 PRT Marketing 50 0 42 8
3290 PRT 3310 090 Leis Beh Humn Divrsty 60 0 50 10
2418 PRT 3500 001 Fndtns Otdr Rec Stdies 40 0 27 13
9469 PRT 3510 001 Trends Sport Mgt 30 0 30 0
11468 PRT 3520 001 Liability & Risk Mgt 75 0 33 42
7817 PRT 3610 090 The Global Citizen 50 0 44 6
8933 PRT 3610 091 The Global Citizen 50 0 40 10
16462 PRT 3610 092 The Global Citizen 50 0 18 32
1624 PRT 3950 001 Independent Study/PRT 50 0 0 50
10047 PRT 3950 002 Independent Study/PRT 10 0 0 10
16463 PRT 4430 001 Envrnmntl Intrp & Comm 40 0 26 14
1330 PRT 4828 079 The Senior Internship 30 0 20 10
9359 PRT 4999 001 Honors Thesis in PRT 10 0 0 10
2421 PRT 5420 001 Ecology & Mgt Wildland 40 0 31 9
3263 PRT 5460 001 Electronic Mktg for PRT 30 0 26 4
11185 PRT 5480 001 Business of PRT 20 0 20 0
14184 PRT 5490 001 Business of Sport 50 0 19 31
17646 PRT 5610 090 International Tourism 35 0 50 -15
3742 PRT 5710 001 Adventure/Outdoor Pgm I 40 0 28 12
16464 PRT 5730 001 Youth Development 20 0 4 16
3731 PRT 5865 001 Experien. Ed Practicum 10 0 5 5
16470 PRT 5875 090 Tourism & Parks 30 0 10 20
12842 PRT 5960 001 Special Topics In PRT 15 0 6 9
17593 PRT 5960 002 Special Topics In PRT 40 0 4 36
2419 PRT 6350 001 Advancement of TR 10 0 1 9
2420 PRT 6360 001 Leisure Facil In TR 5 0 1 4
2422 PRT 6420 001 Ecology & Mgt Wildland 12 0 6 6
3264 PRT 6460 001 Electronic Mktg for PRT 10 0 0 10
11186 PRT 6480 001 Business of PRT 2 0 0 2
17647 PRT 6610 090 International Tourism 9 0 0 9
16469 PRT 6710 001 Foundations of Exp. Ed 10 0 7 3
16465 PRT 6730 001 Youth Development 5 0 4 1
3711 PRT 6800 001 Graduate Seminar in PRT 20 0 14 6
1625 PRT 6860 001 Grad Practicum In PRT 20 0 4 16
10707 PRT 6860 002 Grad Practicum In PRT 20 0 0 20
4348 PRT 6861 001 Grad Pract TR 10 0 2 8
16471 PRT 6875 090 Tourism & Parks 10 0 2 8
1627 PRT 6950 001 Indep Studies-Masters 10 0 0 10
12843 PRT 6960 001 Special Topics 15 0 4 11
1628 PRT 6970 001 Thesis - Masters 10 0 1 9
10706 PRT 6970 002 Thesis - Masters 20 0 0 20
1629 PRT 6980 001 Faculty Consult Masters 10 0 2 8
16468 PRT 7010 001 Behav Sci Found Of PRT 35 0 9 26
9125 PRT 7103 001 Design & Analysis I 25 0 8 17
1630 PRT 7950 001 Indep Studies-Doctoral 10 0 3 7
1631 PRT 7970 001 Dissertation-Doctoral 10 0 5 5
10705 PRT 7970 002 Dissertation-Doctoral 20 0 1 19
1632 PRT 7980 001 Faculty Consult-PhD 10 0 1 9
1633 PRT 7990 001 Continuing Reg-Doctoral 10 0 0 10