Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
A soulful instrument that has been played on every continent (and even in space!), the didgeridoo can be played by anyone with a little practice. It is simply a tube that creates unique sounds through the control of the lips, breath, tongue, voice, and stomach muscles. Learn this unusual instrument and go in depth with the culture of Aboriginal Australia that invented it - from someone who lived in a remote Aboriginal community for years. This course will be taught using a simple plastic didgeridoo. If you are brand new to Didgeridoo, please register for section 001, the $20 special fee will cover the cost of your instrument. If you have taken LLMT 464 Australian Didgeridoo - Introductory Workshop, please register for section 002 and bring the instrument you purchased in that class. Due to the variety in traditional wooden didgeridoos, their use is discouraged for this class.