Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in ((PHYS 2220 OR PHYS 3220) OR AP Physics C E&M score of 4+).
Meets with PHYS 6210. The use of optics in biology has evolved from the simple light microscope used by Darwin to the complex cryo-electron and live cell high resolution microscopes used today. With all these advances it can now be argued that we stand at the dawn of quantitative biology and optics provides an essential tool in this pursuit. This course is designed to give students a good understanding of physics involved in advanced optics while focusing their attention on the biological problems amenable to these techniques. Students with backgrounds in biology, chemistry or physics are equally encouraged however knowing algebra is a requirement for taking this course. Each section of the course would deal specifically with a special kind of microscopy followed with a case study in a biological problem that is most amenable to the use of the techniques discussed. Recommended Prerequisites: PHYS 2220.