Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This online, 50-hour course teaches what to eat before, during, and after competition, how to design optimal meal plans for athletes, and be able to identify the best sport supplements such as protein powders/bars, creatine, and sport drinks. Students learn to provide the best fuel for working bodies and how proper nutrition can provide optimal muscle development, recovery and sports performance. Five-week Course Outline: I. Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Related Fitness and Written Project Details; II. Nutrition for Performance and Energy Utilization and Quiz 1 Due; III. Carbohydrates and Lipids in Sports Nutrition and Written Project Topic Choice/References Due; IV. Protein, Ergogenic Aids, Water, Electrolytes and Hydration in Sports Nutrition and Outline Due; V. Body Composition, Weight Gain, Caffeine, and Ergogenic Review and Meals for Competition, Final Exam and Written Project due Objectives: 1. Students will understand exercise's role in enhancing health; 2. Students will be able to explain the role of Carbohydrates as a main energy food source; 3. Students will understand the role of fat as an important energy source during exercise; 4. Students will be able to explain how Protein is utilized as a tissue builder; 5. Students will be able to state healthy diet principles of carbohydrate, protein and fat and how this relates to sports nutrition; 6. Students will understand the basic principles of water, electrolytes and hydration; 7. Students will be able to state the role ergogenic aids play in sports performance; 8. Students will be able to state the key principles of meal planning for competition.