Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This online, 50-hour course teaches students how to assess and evaluate cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular testing techniques, joint ROM, flexibility, body-fat analysis, blood pressure, and body measurements based on ACSM guidelines. Topics include client screening procedures, medical and health history intake forms, identifying high-risk clients, determining the appropriate test, conducting the test, and evaluating the results. Six-week Course Outline: I. Introduction to Health Risk Profiles and Fitness Assessments and Written Project Details; II. Posture/Body Alignment Assessments and Quiz 1 Due; III. Goniometer Assessments; IV.Cardiovascular Assessments and Quiz 2 Due; V. Body Fat Composition Testing and Measurements; VI. Written Project Due and Final Exam Objectives: 1. Students will gain an understanding of the process of conducting an initial Fitness and Health evaluation for a new member or potential client; 2. Students will learn a systematic approach to conduct fitness and health assessments; 3. Students will learn how to evaluate and assess a clients medical/health history and fitness/health assessments performed.