Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: ("C+" or better in SW 7113, 7221, AND 7510 AND Admission to the CSW Ph.D. Program) OR Instructor Consent.
This course explores Structural Equation Modeling procedures. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a general class of multivariate modeling techniques that allows the estimation of relationships between latent (unobserved) variables. This course assumes no prior experience with Structural Equation Modeling and is intended as both a theoretical and practical introduction. Topics covered in the course will include path analysis with measured variables, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation models with latent variables, and an introduction to more advanced models. Students will develop hands-on practice experience and will have the opportunity to work on projects tailored to their research interests and needs. The course is built around the MPlus statistical software; students may use other software at their discretion but no programming support will be provided.