Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "B-" or better in MATH 1010 OR "C" or better in (MATH 2000 OR MATH 2015 OR MATH 1050) OR Accuplacer AAF score of 250 or better OR Accuplacer CLM score of 65 or better OR ACT Math score of 24 or better OR SAT Math score of 580 or better.
Requirement Designation:
Quant Reason(Math & Stat/Log) & Quant Intensive BS
This is the first course in a two-course sequence for prospective elementary school teachers. This is a content course that provides teachers with a deeper understanding of the real number system and arithmetic operations for whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. This provides the conceptual framework that allows teachers to analyze and correct common student misunderstandings in Grades K-6. See the Utah State Core Curriculum at Teaching methods pertaining to this material are discussed in EDU 5360. Prerequisites for this course expire after two years.