Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in CS 1030 OR CS 1400 OR AP CS-A score 3+ OR AP CS Principles score 3+ OR Instructor Consent. Corequisites: MATH 1210 OR 1220 OR 1250 OR 1310 OR 1311 OR Higher Math OR AP CalcAB score 4+ OR AP CalcBC score 3+.
The second course required for students intending to major in computer science and computer engineering. Introduction to the engineering and mathematical skills required to effectively program computers, and to the range of issues confronted by computer scientists. Roles of procedural and data abstraction in decomposing programs into manageable pieces. Introduction to object-oriented programming. Extensive programming exercises that involve the application of elementary software engineering techniques.