Departmental Advisors
Departmental Advisor
Justin Nistler
LNCO 2300
Undergraduate Studies Office
Shannon Barrios
LNCO 2300
Graduate Studies Office
Benjamin Slade
LNCO 2300
Departmental Notes

For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.

LING 120 - 090 Intr Study Language

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit The course fee covers all required textbooks and course materials at a reduced cost. Students may request to opt out here:

LING 120 - 090 Intr Study Language

  • Class Number: 5193
  • Instructor: FIORINI, MATTEO
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: Online
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $544.95
  • Seats Available: 2

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit The course fee covers all required textbooks and course materials at a reduced cost. Students may request to opt out here:

LING 169 - 090 Bad Words & Taboo Terms

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit

LING 169 - 090 Bad Words & Taboo Terms

  • Class Number: 8212
  • Instructor: AL-ARIQY, MOHAMMED
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: Online
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $459.00
  • Seats Available: 2

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit

LING 322 - 090 World Englishes

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit

LING 322 - 090 World Englishes

  • Class Number: 5194
  • Instructor: SCHAEFFER, KAREN
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: Online
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $500.00
  • Seats Available: 10

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit

LING 350 - 090 Intro English Grammar

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit

LING 350 - 090 Intro English Grammar

  • Class Number: 2880
  • Instructor: AKBARY, MARY
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: Online
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $532.95
  • Seats Available: 3

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit

LING 360 - 090 Cross-Cultural Comm

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit

LING 360 - 090 Cross-Cultural Comm

  • Class Number: 5195
  • Component: Lecture
  • Type: Online
  • Units: 0.0
  • Wait List: No
  • Fees: $500.00
  • Seats Available: 1

This is an online course, which does not have a specific meeting time or location throughout the semester. For additional information, please visit