Course Detail
Course Components:
The main objective of this course is to introduce quantum computation and quantum computers to our graduate and undergraduate students. It will start with a review of classical bits (Cbits) and quantum bits (Qbits) and will explore the quantum universal gates and their possible implementations using neutral and ionic atomic vapors, quantum dots, electron charge, and spin, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV- defects also called color centers) in diamond, and atomic interference devices. The first part will deal with the basic tools and concepts of QM/QC and can be used to implement QC in software and in regular computers. The second part will discuss computer architectures that include implementations of Qbits in addition to regular computers that are required to run the Qbits. The course will start with the quantum computing concepts and will use David Mermin’s “Quantum Computer Science; An Introduction,” and an introductory book “Quantum Computing: A beginner’s Introduction by Parag K. Lala,” and articles that will be distributed in the class. The second part will explore hardware that is used or is proposed for implementing quantum computers. D-Wave (a quantum computer manufacturing company) introduced a 2000 Qbit Quantum Computer that uses Coupled SQUIDS. Students will sign up to IBM’s Quantum Computer, also based on SQUIDs, and will run programs that they will develop in this course as part of homework assignments.