Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This course is designed to not only inspire you to explore your goals and passions for your Third Act but also to give you an actionable plan on how to navigate a new and evolving phase of life. It is designed to support you in moving from your current career to a Third Act career after your initial retirement, re-energizing your current employment as you use it as a Bridge career, or helping you discover a new Third Act career that brings you more meaning and more reward during your Encore years. This course will help you integrate your Encore career into your overall desired lifestyle. Retirement is not a one-time event or a destination; it is a transition on a journey. As you enter your Third Act years, it is more important to think about what you are retiring TO, rather than what you are retiring FROM. Your Third Act is an opportunity for new goals, dreams, adventures, contributions, and personal reinvention with new interests, careers, opportunities, exploration, relationships, and ways of life. The instructor will help class members navigate change and inspire them with new life and career possibilities.