Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in CS 4480 AND (Full Major status in Computer Science OR Software Development) OR Instructor Consent
This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of network security especially Internet security. Topics to be covered include: cryptography essentials, authentication, access control, denial-of-service, digital pests, anonymity, cloud, and software defined network security. Existing network security standards (IPsec/SSL/WiFi/3G/4G) will be used for case studies. The network security concepts taught in this course will be strengthened with the help of written homework. Principles will be put into practice via programming assignments and one final project. In addition to the written homework, the programming assignments, and the final project, the course grade will be decided based on two midterm exams. This course does not have a final exam.