Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This "sequel" to "The Barber of Seville" finds the boisterous barber, Figaro, ready to be married to his sweetheart, Susanna, as a scheming Count tries to break up the whole situation! Hilarious antics ensue--expect disguises, mistaken identities, and a lot of hiding in (and under) things--as this comedy plays out with music by one of the greatest composers of all time, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Utah Opera's preview class will provide insights into the story and the music, as well as the production history of this opera. We will present fascinating information about Utah Opera's production and its cast. We will also explore Utah Opera's production and learn about our cast. Interested class members can linger after the hour-long class session to observe a rehearsal on site.